Gerry Newcomb uses kiln-cast glass techniques to create murals,
sculptures, furniture and architectural features. We have a variety of free-standing and wall hanging cast glass sculptures on display at great prices for original art.
Come in to the gallery Wed - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3
and see how they dazzle in the sunlight!
Gerry first started working in clay in his late teens and
continued his studies at the University of Washington. His dissatisfaction with
the qualities of glazing clay led him to start investigating kiln-casting
techniques. A class at Pilchuck Glass School
and a fellowship at Wheaton Arts clarified his direction. Over time he
developed the processes and skills to translate clay forms into cast glass. His
cast work combines high relief with the intimacy of detailing and the diversity
of shapes that using clay as a model material allows.
Gerry’s studio work consists of a mix of his own artwork and
public and private commissions. He divides his time between a studio in Seattle
and a studio on Lopez Island, Washington. He is represented by galleries
throughout the United States.
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