Artist Incubation Studio Rental program!
This program will offer artists a reduced rental rate over 1-4 years in exchange for participating in improvement activities at Confluence.
The rental structure is reduced as follows:
1st Year, Twelve (12) months - Rent will be approximately ½ market rate plus half utilities charge of $25. Artists will complete agreed upon “sweat equity” activities in exchange for this reduced rent.
2nd Year - Reduced rent of ½ market rate plus half utilities charge of $25 will be continued if agreed upon “sweat equity” activities was completed to satisfaction of Executive Director and/or Board. The 2nd year of reduced rent will also have an agreed upon “sweat equity” component.
3rd Year – Rent will be increased to 75% of market rate plus full utilities charge of $25.
4th Year and beyond – Rent will be at market rate plus full utilities charge of $25.
Two studios on the second floor of Confluence Gallery are currently available:
Suite 204 is a two-room studio with a market value of $300 month - artist rate is $150 plus half of utilities ($12.50)
Contact Salyna Gracie at 509-997-2787 or salyna@confluencegallery.com to inquire about the program and view the studios.